Statement of Purpose
Proactive Training Scotland Ltd is committed to Diversity and Equality and our policy is to ensure that no person involved or associated with the organisation receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of their protected characteristic, i.e.:
- Sex
- Disability
- Sexual orientation
- Gender reassignment
- Religion and Belief
- Age
- Marital and Civil Partnership status
- Race
- Pregnancy and maternity Or
- any other identifiable discriminatory cause
We believe in human rights for all those connected with Proactive Training Scotland Ltd and all members of society. No action shall be taken against them by any person connected with Proactive Training Scotland Ltd which would devalue their contribution to society as a whole or lead them to a loss of self- respect or respect for them by others.
We will comply fully with the letter and spirit of all laws and directives in relation to diversity and equality. Proactive Training Scotland Ltd is committed to the fulfilment of all agreements, regulations and Acts that have implications for its role in the provision of assessment, consultancy and other services.
This includes, but is in no way limited to:
• The Sex Discrimination Act (Amendment) Regulations 2008
• The Disability Discrimination Act (NI) Order 2006
• Race Relations Act (Amendment) Regulations 2008
• Data Protection Act 1998 (Online Data) 2003
• Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
• The Management of HASAW Regulations 1999
• Age Discrimination Act 2006
• The Equality Act 2010
The responsibility for compliance and for the adoption of a positive attitude to these goals is laid upon all individuals within and working with Proactive Training Scotland Ltd. All external persons connected with Proactive Training Scotland Ltd are encouraged to maintain the same responsibility and commitment.
Proactive Training Scotland Ltd will review new assessments for gender and racial stereotype or bias; inappropriate language or subject as part of its qualification development process. Proactive Training Scotland Ltd will ensure that systems developed for both paper based and onscreen assessment address the know needs of learners who require support in accessing assessment. For example papers will be made available in large font, colour will be used that does not impact on the visually impaired, visuals will be clear.
Proactive Training Scotland Ltd will ensure that JCQ recommended access arrangements are included in qualification specifications, where appropriate and reflected in the Proactive Training Scotland Ltd policies on access arrangements and reasonable adjustments. Learners with specific access arrangement that cannot be accommodated by the access arrangements already in place, e.g. the need for a braille paper, will be supported where possible.
To protect both staff and learners there are procedures to ensure that each person has a redress against harassment and bullying at any stage of operations. There are procedures for the redress of complaint and for the re-evaluation of decisions taken by assessors in accordance with Proactive Training Scotland Ltd policies regarding appeals. Each centre has to have a mechanism for recording both complaints and appeals, which will be held centrally, reviewed and monitored regularly, in order to ensure that avoidable problems should not reoccur.
The result of all initial assessments for learners and any tests for staff will always be available for them, on request, in surroundings and circumstances that preserve confidentiality. Anyone whose personal data is stored by Proactive Training Scotland Ltd either on a computer or a paper based system has a right of access to that information.
We believe in order and social discipline both in society and in the organisation of work based training. Consequently, Proactive Training Scotland Ltd reserves the right to insist on a standard of dress appropriate with circumstances and safety at work. Proactive Training Scotland Ltd has policies and procedures designed to ensure that all persons associated with the organisation have access to diversity and equality procedures.
These procedures include:
• Advice and guidance for redress against harassment and bullying.
• Advice and guidance on making complaints and redressing grievances.
• The right to have a friend, supporter or mentor present during interviews.
• The right of trade union membership.
• The appeals procedure.
• Access to personal data.
• Copyright of designed training notes and other materials where appropriate.
• The notification and identification of Health & Safety issues.
• Procedures for staff recruitment, selection promotion, training redundancy, retirement and dismissal.
• Advice and guidance on the rehabilitation of offenders.
• Advice on the design and guidance of training materials, units and assessment criteria.
• Dress codes.
Proactive Training Scotland Ltd undertakes to ensure that all advertising and publicity used by it falls within the spirit and letter of the law relating to diversity and equality. It is the duty of our Centre to ensure that their operations fall within the spirit and letter of the law relating to diversity and equality. Proactive Training Scotland Ltd will, as part of its approval and re-approval processes; seek to ensure its compliance with diversity and equality legislation.
Steven Morrison
Proactive Training Scotland Ltd.